Your Diet With Invisalign® | Tips from Surrey’s Orthodontist Dr. Lesley Williams


Considering Invisalign treatment, but concerned about its impact on your eating habits? We’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll offer valuable advice on managing your diet while using Invisalign aligners. From grasping the fundamentals of Invisalign to identifying foods to steer clear of and sustaining your aligners, we’ve got you covered. This insightful guide has been prepared with the expertise of Dr. Lesley Williams, a trusted Orthodontist from South Surrey Smiles Orthodontics. Let’s explore together!

Understanding Invisalign and Its Impact on Eating Patterns

Before diving into dietary considerations while using Invisalign, it’s essential to grasp the essence of this orthodontic treatment and how it influences your eating habits. Invisalign stands out as a highly sought-after method for orthodontic correction, employing clear aligners to straighten teeth discreetly. These aligners are virtually invisible, providing a subtle alternative to traditional metal braces.

In contrast to conventional braces, Invisalign aligners do not feature brackets or wires. They are custom-made to fit snugly over the teeth, gently guiding them into the desired alignment. One of the primary advantages of Invisalign aligners is their effortless removal, allowing for the maintenance of proper oral hygiene practices and unrestricted enjoyment of meals.

Enjoying Foods with Invisalign

Now, let’s focus on the positive aspect! Despite certain dietary restrictions, individuals wearing Invisalign can still indulge in a wide variety of foods. In contrast to traditional metal braces, which often limit food choices, Invisalign offers greater dietary flexibility.

Freedom in Food Choices with Invisalign

Those using Invisalign can continue to enjoy soft, easily chewable foods. Including nutrient-rich fruits such as berries can serve as a healthy and delightful snack option. Non-acidic dairy products are also permissible while wearing the aligners. Moreover, hot beverages like tea, coffee, or hot chocolate can be savored without the aligners, allowing you to relish your favorite drinks.

Incorporating Nutritious Foods into Your Diet

This presents an opportune moment to integrate healthier food options into your diet while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Opting for smoothies and other soft foods is an excellent way to ensure you’re obtaining essential nutrients. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are abundant in vital vitamins and minerals that support overall health and oral hygiene during treatment. It’s also advisable to incorporate soft, protein-rich foods such as eggs, tofu, or fish. Maintaining proper hydration by drinking plenty of water is essential.

Foods to Avoid When Using Invisalign

Let’s delve into the array of foods that are compatible with Invisalign, as well as those that should be sidestepped to safeguard your aligners from potential harm or distortion.

Please exercise caution, as hard and crunchy foods can pose a risk of damaging your Invisalign aligners, potentially leading to breakage or misalignment. It’s advisable to steer clear of foods such as nuts, firm fruits, and hard candy, as they require extensive chewing. Sugary chewing gum can adhere to your aligners, making them challenging to clean. Additionally, regularly consuming acidic foods like citrus fruits while wearing aligners may contribute to enamel erosion.

Foods to Avoid:

– Hard nuts

– Firm fruits

– Hard candy

– Sugary chewing gum

– Acidic fruits like citrus

Strategies for Steering Clear of Troublesome Foods

To facilitate a smooth and successful Invisalign treatment journey, consider implementing the following tips to avoid problematic foods:

– Slice crunchy foods into smaller pieces to alleviate pressure on aligners.

– Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after consuming sugary or acidic foods to keep your mouth pristine.

– Fulfill cravings for sticky foods with aligner-friendly snacks instead.

– Remove aligners before indulging in sticky or chewy candies to prevent adherence.

– Opt for soft snacks over hard and crunchy ones to prolong the durability of your aligners.

Dos and Don’ts of Eating with Invisalign

After familiarizing yourself with the recommended foods and those to avoid, it’s crucial to understand the essential principles and recommended techniques for eating with Invisalign. Adhering to these guidelines will contribute to a comfortable and successful treatment experience.


– Chew food slowly to minimize the risk of food particles becoming lodged in your aligners.

– Steer clear of hard, crunchy foods that could potentially damage your aligners.

– Consider adopting a softer diet if you’re experiencing discomfort due to new aligners.

– Be mindful of your dietary choices to prevent staining or discoloration of your aligners.

– Maintain impeccable oral hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth after each meal.


– Avoid common mistakes that can impede progress and harm your aligners. For instance, limit your intake of acidic foods and sugary beverages to preserve enamel and prevent decay.

– Refrain from constant chewing or chewing gum, as it can stress aligners and compromise hygiene habits.

– Limit consumption of hot beverages like coffee to prevent deformation of aligner trays.

Drinking Guidelines with Invisalign

In addition to dietary considerations, it’s crucial to pay attention to your beverage choices while wearing Invisalign aligners. Let’s explore which drinks are safe to enjoy and which ones should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether.

Safe Options:

– Water stands out as the optimal choice for keeping your aligners clean and ensuring proper hydration. 

– Milk and sugar-free beverages like soda water and fortified plant-based milk offer additional benefits by promoting enamel health with their calcium content.

Drinks to Limit or Avoid:

– Red wine should be consumed sparingly as it can stain the aligners, compromising their appearance.

– Soft drinks and sugary carbonated beverages heighten the risk of cavities and tooth decay, so it’s best to limit consumption.

– Excessive intake of hot beverages like coffee can warp the shape of the aligner trays, leading to discomfort and an improper fit.

– Acidic beverages such as fruit juices gradually erode tooth enamel, necessitating moderation to preserve dental integrity.

– Chewing gum, particularly sugary or minty varieties, should be avoided as it can adhere to the aligners, diminishing their effectiveness.

Maintaining Your Invisalign During Dieting

As you navigate your dietary journey with Invisalign, it’s vital to prioritize the upkeep of your aligners for their longevity and the effectiveness of your treatment.

Cleaning and Caring for Your Invisalign

To ensure your aligners remain clean and free from debris, delicately brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush to eliminate any lingering food particles. Additionally, consider soaking your aligners in a cleaning solution recommended by your orthodontist. Incorporating a non-alcoholic mouthwash into your routine can further aid in maintaining oral hygiene and the cleanliness of your aligners. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste, as it may cause scratching and clouding of the aligners. Consistent daily cleaning is imperative to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, plaque, and food remnants, which could potentially lead to decay.

Addressing Potential Issues

Should you encounter any challenges with your aligners, don’t hesitate to contact your orthodontist for assistance. Whether it’s aligner damage, discomfort, or residue buildup, they possess the expertise to provide guidance and solutions. Regular check-ups with your dentist or orthodontist are essential for staying on track with your treatment plan and promptly addressing any issues that may arise.


In conclusion, adapting your dietary habits is a necessary aspect of dieting with Invisalign, but it doesn’t have to entail severe restrictions. With Invisalign, a diverse range of food options remains available to you, provided you follow specific guidelines. Incorporating nutritious foods that support dental health into your diet is paramount. Remain vigilant against potential risks and abstain from consuming hard or sticky foods that could jeopardize the integrity of your aligners. Uphold excellent oral hygiene practices by diligently cleaning your aligners and promptly addressing any concerns that arise. By adhering to these recommendations and embracing healthy eating habits, you can effectively manage your diet while wearing Invisalign and achieve the radiant smile you’ve been working towards.

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