Millionaires’ Diet Habits Revealed


As of January 1, 2023, the richest person in America was Warren Buffett. His net worth was over $75 billion. And his diet habits are very different from your average person’s diet. The habits of tycoons are very different from the normal person’s diet. Some of them may surprise you:

#1: They Don’t Count Calories

According to a millionaire who runs Pokie Place, the amount of calories you consume is not the only thing that determines weight, health and happiness. Calorie counting can be a misleading metric because it focuses on weight loss without accounting for other factors like metabolic rate and exercise level.

The first step towards a healthier lifestyle is hiring a chef who knows how to cook from scratch instead of buying packaged meals from a restaurant every day (or even weekly). 

Also remember that eating healthy does not mean eating bland: enjoy some delicious grilled chicken with tomatoes over rice or have an indulgent bowl filled with spicy chipotle black beans topped off with guacamole made from fresh veggies harvested from your garden.

#2: Men of wealth Eat More of Certain Foods

  • Men of wealth eat more vegetables, fish, fruits, and whole grains.
  • Men of means eat less red meat, processed foods and sugar
  • Tycoons eat more protein (sometimes up to an extra 500 calories a day)
  • Nuts and seeds are another popular addition to the millionaires’ diet. The top five include almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds. There is no need for you to be concerned about the calorie count on these when compared with other nuts or seeds; they’re still very good sources of protein.

#3: Every Respected Tycoon Avoids Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can cause weight gain. Alcohol is a liquid and it contains calories, which means you will gain weight by drinking. Also, when you drink alcohol in excess, your liver can become damaged and this can cause problems with blood sugar levels in the body. This can lead to diabetes type 2 or even cancer if there are complications with your organs.

It can cause nausea and hangovers the next day after consuming too much of it! A hangover is caused when there’s too much carbon dioxide being released into one’s bloodstream from exercising hard before going out drinking at night; this causes headaches as well as feeling nauseous (which may be why so many people avoid drinking altogether).

#4: Men of Millions Avoid Sugar or Sweetened Beverages

Avoiding sugar is one of the best ways to melt off and stay healthy. Sugar is addictive, so it’s no wonder that people who eat a lot of it can’t stop eating more.

Sugar makes your blood sugar levels rise quickly, which causes fluctuations in energy levels and moods. This can lead to weight gain over time if not controlled by dieting or exercise. It also causes tooth decay because when you eat sugary foods (like candies) they get stuck between teeth where they rot away at their roots slowly over time causing cavities later on down the road when you’re older!

#5: Each Rich Man Eats Lots of Vegetables and Fruits

You might think that eating more vegetables and fruits is the same as eating healthy, but it’s not. In fact, the opposite is true! Although some people may think that consuming more calories will help them melt off or maintain their current weight, this isn’t true at all. In fact, increasing your vegetable and fruit intake may literally help you slim down coz they’re low in calories but high in nutrients like fiber and antioxidants that promote good health.

Vegetables include green leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach; cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli; root vegetables, carrots & parsnips; legumes; mushrooms (various types); bell peppers/capsicum family members including red peppers/capsicum family members.


Millionaires are often criticized for spending their time and money on lavish lifestyle choices. But research from the OECD, or Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, suggests that 90% of millionaires believe their health is more vital than a bank account.  Does your health come first? The normal person’s diet is not healthy. It’s high in salt, sugar and fats. You will desire to incorporate the men of wealth habits in your own life if you wish to live a healthier lifestyle and live longer.

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